About Jub

Camp Nou Stadium Tour – July 2017
As a kiwi growing up in a small New Zealand town I was playing sports most days. Sports at school, in the backyard, the local sports field or on Saturday mornings with the rugby team. Sport was a central part of my childhood.
Five of my greatest sports related memories growing up include:
- Watching the final game at Athletic Park
- Winning tackler of the year 5 out of 6 years (rugby)
- Collecting 10,000+ golf balls
- Playing in the pro-am at the 2001 New Zealand Open (golf)
- Collecting hundreds of sports cards
As I grew into my teenage years, golf became my sport of choice. I got down to a 5.0 handicap at my peak, with one hell of an ugly swing. I stopped playing regularly when a combination of alcohol, university and a devastating case of the yips all occurred around the same time.
I then became a full-time spectator with my final game of organised rugby being a hall of residence game at University. We were very hungover but the game was of decent quality. There was one tackle I remember which was as copy book as they come.
My sport of choice to watch is definitely NRL, supporting the Bulldogs. I’ve been lucky enough to watch them in two Grand Finals.
I follow other sports as well, with my sport of choice switching depending on the time of year, trends, TV/online access etc.
As I started to travel, other than hiking, I would only ever play an occasional game if I stumbled across something. In the meantime, I was working the odd job, freelancing on and off, and volunteering here and there.
12 Random Things About Me
- I like cats. A lot
- Have been vegan (minus the occasional fuck up) since October 2012
- Like trying to ask good questions rather than gloss over the usual superficial stuff
- Have been to 45 countries (July 2017)
- Try and keep to a decent intermittent fasting schedule
- Love reading, but it tends to be READ SHIT TONNES THEN NOTHING
- Hitchhiking is something I really like but get bored of it quickly
- Mum passed away when I was eight. Dad was a legend in raising my sister and I
- Most of the golf balls are still rotting away at Dads
- Am not great with planning as FOMO is real
- Drink an unhealhty amount of Coke Zero
- Prefer 1 on 1 conversations than chatting in groups of 5+ people
That about wraps it up. If you really want to know how I got the name Jub, email me.
I like to try to be as helpful as fuck. Get in touch with me in the 314 ways possible today and I’ll be happy to help.
Please don’t ask a shitty question that Google can answer. Make it good and you’ll get a great answer.