There’s no doubt road tripping has changed in the last decade. Paper maps and a compass? I’m no Bear Grylls, I’ll just take the iPhone. It’s even got a torch!
On my recent mini road trip around the North Island (March 2016), there were a couple apps that I hadn’t heard of before that made travelling around the North Island much easier.
In addition to these new apps, there are a couple apps I use religiously to form the seven best New Zealand travel apps for your next road trip in the country.
CamperMate For Your Road Tripping Necessities
As we were planning where to camp on the first night near Taupo I was told to download CamperMate. Can’t believe I hadn’t heard of this one. For those who are road tripping (check out 23 NZ road trip itineraries) in either a self contained or non-self contained vehicles you will get great use out of this.
Users are able to review the campsites and do so regularly ensuring you get up to date information on the ever changing camp sites. You can also get information about water sources, toilets, showers, LPG refills and more. If you travel New Zealand somewhat frequently, get this app. It’s the best of all the New Zealand travel apps in this list (they have also just launced in Australia).
Download: Apple Store ! Android Store
iTravelNZ To Figure Out A Plan
When I arrive in a country I plan to be in for any substantial length of time I download a handful of city/country guide apps. I then quickly play around with them all and delete all but the best one or two, it doesn’t take long to work out which is the best.
iTravelNZ was the best for me due to its layout and simplicity with minimal features in the menu. It also got me in the good books with my friends when I discovered the Putangirua Pinnacles in Martinborough via the app (pictured below) thanks to the ‘Todays Top’ feature.
Download: Apple Store ! Android
The Essential New Zealand App Is A Solid Backup
While the iTravelNZ app has pretty much everything there’s no harm in having a back up. Two is enough, I could list 20+ other apps highlighting NZ destinations but that’s pointless.
I like this app as it’s run by Tourism New Zealand therefore you can guarantee the information will be verified where possible as well being one of the first to identify any new information.

Having woken up at Reid’s Farm, I discovered the Craters of the Moon nearby. Had never heard of it before opening the app.
Download: Apple Store ! Android
GrabASeat To Snag Cheap Domestic & International Flights
Air New Zealand is one of the best airlines worldwide. Given this you wouldn’t expect them to have the cheapest flights domestic or international but they first launched GrabASeat.
I still find myself checking the which deals are available every day, and it only takes 10 seconds with the app.
Everyday you’ll find a variety of domestic routes on sale for dates anywhere in the next few months. It doesn’t always work out quite right but there’s no harm at taking a quick browse each morning. They often do incredible international deals too.
Download: Apple Store ! Android Store
Maps.Me Because Reading Paper Maps Is Hard
Maps.Me is the app I recommended to people the most in 2016 and already heads the list in 2017. New Zealand mobile data plans are shocking so Maps.Me works in your favour as the best New Zealand offline map app. The app continues to evolve, with walking and driving directions available.
You can pin all of your favourite spots as well, for a free offline map. The picture shows all places of interest I’ve marked in New Zealand since arriving home in January.
Download: Apple Store ! Android
Trail Wallet To Ensure You Money Doesn’t Sneak Into The Drain
New Zealand is expensive. Having travelled to 40+ countries (albeit many are known to be cheap countries to travel too) I can say New Zealand is right up there, if not at the top of the pile in terms of cost.
Just when you think you are able to cut costs in one area, it always seems to be the case that another expense that suddenly increases. Either way, watching your budget is crucial. This app is sensational for tracking your expenses. It helps to make sure you don’t find yourself leaking money on needless things (Jub, stop drinking coke) and a bunch of other bits and pieces.
It’s the only app that costs on this list (try the free trial first), but the USD4.99 will be saved quickly simply by having the thought of needing to enter silly purchases resting in the back of your mind.
Download: Apple Store ! Not available for Android
The Best New Zealand Travel Apps As It Looks Like On My Phone
It’s crazy how our phones are an extension of our arm in today’s world. At times I wish I could throw away my phone as I’m too reliant on it too often. But on the positive side they help us in so many ways. Apps have made travel a lot easier in many aspects, especially international travel.
Like anything, you need to find the right balance for you. I could list another stack of apps here but then you’ll find yourself forgetting to look up. This compilation if what I believe the best New Zealand apps. Any apps you think I should check out?
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